The Facit 1140 is a very basic portable 8-digit calculator without a memory. It contains a single Electronic Arrays EA 5059 integrated circuit and several transistors. A thermal printer provides the output.
The device is powered by 4 AA-size NiMH cells. A step-up circuit provides about 15V for some parts of the electronics.
With a price tag of about DM 250 (approx. $ 100) it was a very affordable machine. However, in 1975 it still took an average workman a one week income to be able to buy one.
As usual today.
For each entry both, the operand and the function symbol are printed.
A calculation is finalised with the “T=” key. The result is printed as well as the T. In case of a negative result a minus sign is shown below the T.
“C” clears the machine except memory
“CE” clears last entry
The mode-switch has three positions:
“OFF”: machine powered off
“F” : machine performs all four operations
“+” : machine only adds/subtract and puts a comma in front of the two least significant digits
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Serial number:
Built in:
Production until:
1975 / 1976
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division
1975 (a 1975 article in Funkschau, a German professional magazine reports market introduction)
Ca. 1977 (untill 1977 it is listed in BüromaschinenLexikon)
Approx. DM. 250.
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