- The machine offers some Financial functions
- Vacuum Fluorescent Display
- Two OMRON integrated circuits: HD32614 and HD36117
(The codes “9A 45” and “8C 45” could be date codes referring to 1979 and 1978)
Although equipped with different IC’s the functionality of the 1218 is almost identical to the 1216.
In 1978 Büromaschinen Lexikon still mentioned Adler separately from Triumph. Both have a 1218 in their program. From 1980 onward Büromaschinen Lexicon merely contains a short reference to Triumph under the brand name Adler.
In this period prices are seldom mentioned. I guess that the calculator market was changing fast with new versions coming up and prices dropping in a high rate.
The bottom of the machine shows a Triumph/Adler type indicator: EC53
- C: Clears the input register and when pressed again clears the result register as well
- CM: Clears memory
- Mout: Copies memory contents to result register
- √: calculates the square root of the vakue in the input register
- N: when pushed the number of operations +, -, X, : are counted in digits 11 and 12
- Kin: copies the displayed value into the constant memory
- RK=: adds the value in the constant memory to the input register
- KD: display the value in the constant memory
Three sliding switches broaden functionality:
- “A”: in A-position results of multiplication and division are automatically added in memory (*)
- “AM” ...... “F”:
- “AM”: is intended for financial calculations. It always shows 2 digits behind the decimal point. On input the
decimal point isn’t entered manually.
Example: input of 12345 is shown as 123.45 - 0 .... 6 determines the number of digits behind the decimal point
- F displays numbers with max resolution of 12 digits
- “%+-” ..... “PR” determines operation of the % key:
- “±%”: % calculation
- TAX : Calculation of prices including tax with Tax percentage stored with “K-in”
e.g.: store Tax percentage 12 with “K In”. Then 100 ‘x’ ‘%’ ‘+=’ displays 112. - Δ % : Percentage difference between two numbers
e.g.: 200 – 180 ‘x’ ‘%’ ‘+=’ displays 90 - MU : Mark Up key which can be used to calculate the max. purchase price if gross margin and selling price are known
e.g.: 100 ‘x’ 25 ‘%’ ‘+=’ displays 80 - PR : Profitability Ratio
e.g.: 100 ‘:’ 10 ‘%’ ‘+=’ displays 110
(*) Remark: An “M” in the left part of the display shows that memory does contain a value.
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Serial number:
Built in:
Production until:
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Square root
1979? (Büromaschinen Lexikon mentions this calculator in 1979 only)